Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So I took a class on The Art and Practice of Living with Nothing and No One Against You. We covered the basics over 4 weeks and I got the workbook. I planned to do the 21-day practice starting when the class ended. I was looking forward to continuing the process with my classmates.

Before starting the worksheets, you are supposed to do a self-assessment. You do another one at the end of the 21 days. I started to read the instructions for the assessment ... and I fell asleep! Sure, I worked late that day and my eyes were tired, but, really?

Well, I won't let myself do a worksheet until that assessment is done. This is now 2 weeks later and it's still not done. Folks, this isn't procrastination. It's avoidance, plain and simple.

I  thought I was taking the class for spiritual growth. I thought I was going to dig deep and discover more about myself and how my subconscious thinks. Apparently my subconscious is happy with the way things are, mainly that it runs my reactions while my conscious mind remains in the dark. Hmmm.

I think I am going to have to show it who is in charge here. Excuse me. I have a self-assessment to finish.


Rachel said...

I'm avoiding my credo paper (another introspective document) by reading your blog :-)

Marti said...

That's not avoidance...that's exhaustion from editing web pages :-}